Tips to Stay Hydrated in the Winter Season

Staying hydrated is essential in every season, be it summer or winter. Our body does give indications when it requires water, but these signs are more easily spotted in summer than in winter. Just like in summers, our body does lose water too in winter, but it is less visible. The sweat easily evaporates due to cold weather. We do exert and perform energy-driven exercises, but less sweating tricks our body think that we don’t require water.
As we are fooled by our bodies, it becomes important to understand the importance of staying hydrated in winter. Just remember, if we are not feeling thirsty it doesn’t mean that our body doesn’t require hydration. Our body requires the same level of hydration as it does in summer. We need to follow the same routine as we follow during the summers regarding the intake of water.
But yes, we can understand that it becomes difficult to drink cold water in winter and during those cold chilling days. Here’s what you can do to keep yourself hydrated.
1. Drink Plenty of Warm Fluids – One best way to beat the winter cold is to drink warm drinks. If you are looking for healthier options, then you can go for green tea or lemon tea. If you prefer drinking warm water, nothing can beat that. These beverages keep you warm and help in maintaining adequate water balance in the body.
2. Go Alcohol-free – Alcohol negatively impacts our body, so going for non-alcoholic options serves as a great choice. There are many alternatives available in the market, pick your best one and get started. Don’t miss out on the diverse range of booze-free drinks at Lovely Drinks.
3. Juicy Fruits and Vegetables – It’s true, you may not like to drink more beverages often in a single day. Well, in that case switching to juicy fruits and vegetables could be a great option. Foods such as oranges, broccoli, peppers, strawberries etc. are rich in juices and help in maintaining a good water level in your body. Consuming them will ensure you stay hydrated even when you don’t have an urge to drink a beverage.
4. Take a Break from Caffeine – Caffeinated drinks that contain more sugar content such as colas and other similar drinks can result in you being dehydrated. Also, some forms of caffeinated drinks suppress the thirst as well and you may not drink water for hours. So, the best way out is to avoid caffeinated drinks.
5. Set Drinking Goals – Setting drinking goals will keep you motivated to match up your hydration levels every day. You can make a calendar on paper or on your smartphone and keep track of your intake. It may sound difficult, but gradually this will turn out to be one of the best secrets of your health. If you’re finding it difficult to do it alone, ask one of your buddies or family members to accompany along.
6. Use a Humidifier- The cold weather or winters are dry. Our body tends to lose moisture very soon. So, it becomes important to make sure that we do not lose water. The new modern-day gadgets such as humidifiers help in adding moisture to the air and hence keep us hydrated throughout the day.
7. Step Outside – When we talk about the daytime, the temperature inside is lower than the temperature outside. So, interiors are drier than the outside world. So, take some time, and step outside in the sun. This not only helps your body to get exposed to more moisture but will also add some vitamin D to the body from sunlight.
8. Eat Right – Strictly avoid spicy, salty, fried, and sugary food. Such foods require a lot of water for digestion and take away moisture from your body. Inadequate drinking may result in dehydration. It’s better to switch to healthier options than to eat packaged food items and ruin your health and hydration levels.
9. Drink As Much as You Can – Drink as much water as you can, be it any form of water. Don’t let this effort get down. It’s not possible to drink a full big bottle, so you may prefer buying small bottles that are easy to consume and don’t look like a burden.
Get Year-Round Hydration with Lovely Drinks
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