What is Alkaline Water and Is It Good for You?

Water is the most essential part and requirement of the human body. We can live without food for a few days, but without water, the chances of survival are diminished. Though plain water has a plethora of benefits, so as its other forms. One of them is alkaline water which is nutrient-rich and supercharges our bodies to look good and feel amazing. Let’s get deep and learn more about alkaline water, how it’s made, and the health benefits associated with it. Read on.
What is Alkaline Water?
The degree of any liquid being acid or base is measured by pH levels also known as the potential of Hydrogen. If the value is:
- Between 1 to less than 7, the water is acidic
- 7, it’s neutral (For example, plain water)
- More than 7 to 14, it’s basic
Alkaline water has more basicity and has a pH range between 8 and 9. These can be naturally alkaline or sometimes artificially done to get the desired alkalinity.
1. Natural Alkaline Water – Natural Alkaline water was sourced from springs and other natural sources of water including underground waters. These are naturally alkaline as they contain a good amount of minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium. This is one of the most beneficial forms of water available on earth for humans.
2. Artificial Alkalized Warter – This alkaline water is artificially prepared using the process of electrolysis. In this process, an electric current is passed through a solution containing electrolytes. Acidic and basic ions are formed and then separated. Some additional minerals and salts are also added to raise the pH levels of the water. This enriches the solution with healthy substances.
Benefits of the Alkaline Water
Research and studies have proven to offer certain health benefits. Let’s have a look.
1. Improved Metabolism – Consuming alkaline water makes sure that you do not stand deficient in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It improves the metabolic process of the body. The fat is readily burnt which helps in your weight loss goals. Thereby, making your body active and more healthy.
2. Better Digestion – Alkaline water helps to ensure that any excess stomach acid gets neutralized. It not only helps in better digestion and absorption of nutrients but also provides relief in many disorders such as acid reflux and other gastrointestinal diseases. According to a study it has been proven that alkaline water makes the digestive enzyme named pepsin inactive. This helps in alleviating discomfort.
3. More Energy – When we exercise, our body releases acid in the blood and the process is known as acidosis. Consuming alkaline water turns out to be a great workout drink as it helps to neutralize the excess acid in the blood. Also, research has proven that athletes, who perform anaerobic exercises along with drinking alkaline water have outperformed during their events.
4. Anti-Aging Properties – Drinking alkaline water ensures that your body stays hydrated along with optimum levels of minerals. Thus, as there is no deficiency of the minerals, the body stays active and healthy. Alkaline waters are rich in antioxidants which further help in preventing DNA damage. So, it makes you look younger and defies your age.
5. Improved Cardia Health – Alkaline water has a positive impact on your cardiovascular health. The blood pressure is greatly improved, and cholesterol levels are reduced. The alkaline water counters the blood acidity with its high pH levels.
6. Reduced Bone Loss – Alkaline water is basic and has zero acidic components. This means that it will not have any adverse action on the bone, teeth, and muscle health. There will not be any health issues such as delayed growth or bone disease. Any pH damage or loss of essential minerals can be covered by magnesium, potassium, and calcium.
Alkaline water bottles are amazing, and the full potential of the alkaline waters is yet to be explored by the researchers. In a nutshell, drinking alkaline water that is loaded with minerals is a must-have in your routine and lifestyle. Not to miss, drinking alkaline water ensures a balanced pH, optimum hydration, charged energy levels and superb metabolism.
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